UCLA kicks up sand in the desert

Photo by Troy Flowers / fi360 News

Tempe, AZ – Bruins ‘Kazmanian Devil’ Kazmeir Allen was the talk of the desert being forced feed the football in UCLA 50-36 victory over Arizona State.

Allen was pushed in the starting backfield shifting over from receiver to carry the load on the ground. He rushed for 137 yards with a touchdown averaging 12.5 yards per carry. When you wanted a chunk of yards Allen was there.

Photo by Troy Flowers / fi360 News

With a forced RPO (Run Pass Option) system UCLA quarterback Dorian Thompson-Robinson accounted for 289 yards total offense. His feet were the most impressive of the two gaining 120 yards on 10 carries for two touchdowns.

“The Treat of Dorian on every play is really beneficial, “said Bruins coach Chip Kelly, “Our guys up front really understand our scheme and understand what we do.”

Photo by Troy Flowers / fi360 News

Thompson-Robinson on first offensive play from scrimmage sailed a pass high to be intercepted and put the Defense on the field quick. The Bruins defense was able to hold the Sun Devils to a field goal on their opening possession.

The Bruins defense gave up 468 total yards with 349 yards passing for the Sun Devils. Quarterback Trenton Bourguet was 38/49 with two touchdowns and an interception.

Xazavian Valladay was the Sun Devils leading rusher with 92 yards on 20 carries.

Xazavian Valladay – Photo by Troy Flowers / fi360 News

“Completive Respond”, said Kelly “When you can run the ball when they know your going to run the ball.”

The Bruins all day stuck to they game plan of keeping the ball on the ground, while applying good pressure on defense to keep the offense on the field.

Photo by Troy Flowers / fi360 News

Now UCLA moving their record to 8-1 will host the Arizona Wildcats Saturday November 12 to finish competing with the Arizona schools.

Arizona State dropped to 3-6 and will travel to Pullman WA to face a up and coming Washington State team on Saturday.