‘He Controls It With His Hands’
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water,
He turns it whichever way He wants.”
Proverbs 21:1
The battle is the Lord’s! Again.. the battle is the Lord’s!
It doesn’t matter what they are trying to do to you, or the accusations they’ve thrown your way..in the end, you will win!
Pray that God will turn their hearts in your favor…
Their hearts may be hardened even harder than Pharaoh’s, but the king’s hearts are in His hands and He has the power to turn them whichever way He pleases!
If He is allowing it to be this way for now, trust His plan…
If you don’t understand, and you are still wrestling.. trust His heart!
His intentions for you are good!
When it’s time, He will turn it for your good, and for His glory!